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Small Grant Scheme Round 3 Now Open!

Round 3 of the Small Grant Scheme has been launced today.

If you applied for funding in round 1 and/or 2 of this scheme, you can also apply under Round 2, but the total value of all claims must not be above £12,000, and you must have at least £3,000 of your allowance left to be able to participate in this round. If you utilised the full grant available under previous rounds, then round 3 is unfortunately not available to you. If you applied previously but the application was rejected or withdrawn, you can apply for the full £12,000 under round 3.

The grants will cover a range of specific items which have been identified as helping achieve improvements in either:

  • Technical efficiency

  • Animal health & welfare

  • Resource efficiency

  • Nutrient management

A set amount will be paid for each capital item, you do not need to gather quotes!

Grants will be paid at 40% and must be in the range of £3,000 - £12,000 (total spend £7,500 - £30,000).

The full list of eligible items and their standard value can be found here

This is the last time we will see this grant so don’t miss your chance! Get in touch today and we can get your application underway immediately!

Applications close on 4th November! If your application is sucessful, you will need to buy all items, pay in full, install all items and submit your claim by midnight on 31 March 2021.


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