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Analysis of grass prior to silage making - samples to 14 April 2021

Another week of cold wind and morning frost has kept grass growth lower than usually seen at this time of year. Growth rates have climbed from the previous week with the AHDB reporting South West grass leys to be growing at 32.3kg DM/ha and to have an average of 12.5ME.

The farm we have been sampling from in Cornwall has taken their first cut this week. This is due to grass being at the correct growth stage (3 leaves present) to fit in with their multi-cut system. Yields also look to be encouraging with a reported average of 4.5T/acre.

Outside of Cornwall, our sampling farms seem to be a bit further away from 1st cut. However, it is encouraging to see that sugar levels continue to rise – with all samples now having an estimated ensiling sugar quality of 3% or higher. Nitrates generally OK now except one field of permanent pasture which has suddenly jumped this week as the rain has finally washed in the fertiliser applied weeks ago!

Following our previous newsletters, more of our clients have taken the option of taking pre-cut samples to obtain a clearer understanding the current quality of their leys. Please get in touch with us if you wish to send in your own samples, or use existing sample bags if you have any, tick the pre-cut grass analysis box when filling in the information sheet.


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